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The help links below will help you with your Webcam exam.
Integrity Advocate is TrainCan’s webcam exam partner.

Webcam certification exam passing grades: BASICS.fst (pass 74%) ADVANCED.fst (pass 75%)

Help - Webcam Course/Exam Computer System Requirements

Integrity Advocate Support

Help - Explain the Full Screen Webcam Exam Process

What is Full Screen Monitoring? – Partners Support (zendesk.com)

Help - What is Level 4 Webcam Exam Monitoring

User Experience (Level 4 Rules) – Partners Support (zendesk.com)
Level 4 - Identity Verification+ Sole Participation + Restricted Resources

  • Name and Photo ID Match: The participant must submit Government Issued photo ID or photo ID issued by an approved school or company.
  • Remain in Camera View: The participant must remain in view of the camera for the duration of the activity.
  • Active Participation: The participant must remain engaged with the session for the duration of the activity.
  • No Other Participants: The participant may not receive help from or communicate with other people for the duration of the activity.
  • Screen Monitoring: The participant may not leave the full-screen window for the duration of the activity, use other browser tabs, or programs.
  • No electronic devices: The participant may not use an additional electronic device such as a phone or tablet for the duration of the activity.
  • No Headphones: The participant may not use headphones for the duration of the activity.
  • No External Resources: The participant may not use any external resources i.e. other browser tabs, translation software, programs, books, notes.